Key Figures
(In No Particular Order)
The Tarzi Family has given the world numerous leaders and recognizable figures. Because we cannot fit all the honorable members of the family, these are just a few of the most recognizable figures. Our apologies to those not shown in this section. If you feel a member of the family should be placed here that is missing, contact us!
Sardar - A Sardar is a notable tribal leader, ruler, or commander. It is a title given to political and military leaders. Literally "sar" means "head" while "dar" means "holder" in Persian.
Khan - This is a common title of nobility. It is an honorary title given to nobleman or the aristocracy. The female title is Khanum.
His Excellency - This is an honorific title given to people who hold office or who are member of the highest level of Aristocracy. It is also given to diplomats and representatives.
Amir - A title meaning "Commander," "General," or "King," it serves as a high title of nobility or office.
Haji - An honorific title given to a Muslim who has sucessfully completed the Hajj to Mecca and is often used to refer to an elder of a tribe, house, or family.
Beg - A Trukoman title for Lord or Leader. It is an alternative form of the Trukic title Bey, a Chieftain or Principal.
Awarded the title of Sarafraz Khan, Sardar Payinda Khan increased the size and influence of the Muhammadzai tribe and was given the leadership post of the Barakzai's by King Timur Shah. He was awarded leadership (Sardari) of the Ghilzais and was the military protector of the protector of the throne.
H.E. Sardar Rahim Dil Khan is one of sons of Amir Sardar Payinda Khan Muhammadzai. He was the Governer (ruler) of Sindh, Baluchistan, and Kandahar. He and his brothers avenged Sardar Payinda Khan's death by tearing down the regime of Timur Shah.
The third son of Sardar Rahim Dil Khan, was under service of Dost Muhammad Khan and was granted the title of Arjumand wa Daneshmand, title of High Esteem and Honorale Scholar of the State. He was an author, poet, and thinker who was given the pen-name of Tarzi.
One of Afghanistan's greatest intellectuals and philosophers, he is the father of Afghan journalism and poetry. A great modern thinker becaming a key figure in Afghan history and culture. Politically, he held posts that included Minister of Foreign Affairs and War.
Muhammad Zaman Khan Tarzi
Click here to read the story of Muhammad Zaman Khan Tarzi, famed Royal Librarian for the King, Shah Habibullah Khan.
Copyright © 2010 The Tarzi Family & The Tarzi Family Historical Society
Berlin - California - Geneva - Istanbul - Kabul - Kandahar - London - Moscow - New Delhi - New York - Rome - Washington D.C.
Do you see someone missing? Have some more detailed information? Saw an inaccuracy? Let us know!

Muhammad Amin Khan
Afghans, the Tarzi Family in particular, have a close relationship with the literary art of poetry. One of the greatest poets in the history of Afghanistan and the region was Sardar Haji Ghulam Muhammad Khan. Click here to read about his son, famed Afghan poet Muhammad Amin Khan Tarzi who wrote under the pen-name, Andalib.
Her Majesty is considered to be one of the most eminent and revolutionary women in Muslim and Oriental history. She is the only woman to appear on the list of rulers in Afghanistan as the wife of King Amanullah Khan. She was a queen, a leader, a faminist, a progressive, and revolutionary.
General Abdur Rauf Khan Tarzi was the officer of the First Brigade from 1919 to 1921. He went on to be the Commander of the Fourth Cavalry Brigade from 1921 to 1926. He was a key part of the modernizing movement within the Afghan Military.
Born in 1900, Ghulam Yahya Khan would rise to lead four major Ministries in Kabul. However, perhaps his most important work was representing Afghanistan to numerous countries, becoming one of Afghanistan's greatest diplomats of all time.
Senator Abdullah Khan Tarzi
Sardar Abdullah Khan Tarzi was a twentieth century Afghan Statesman. As a country "elder," he participated in numerous national Loya Jirgas. He began as Mayor of Kandahar at the age of 18. He would go on to be a Governor, Member of Parliament, and a Senator in the "House of Elders" from Kandahar. During his years of service he was also a Pashtun leader and military Colonel.
His Excellency Habibu'llah Zaman Khan Tarzi
Ambassador Habibullah Khan Tarzi was an Afghan Diplomat who would go on to play critical roles in Afghan foreign affairs as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1932 to 1933. His most notable mission would be as Afghanistan's Ambassador to the United States of America and developing a very friendly relationship with President Truman.
A municipal officer, District Governor, and a Provincial Governor - Mohammad Hossain Tarzi served Afghanistan's government and people for years. Click above to learn more about the Governor.
Muhammad Siddiq Tarzi served Afghanistan since 1924 as an Afghan representative in all Afghan/Russian boarder agreements, President of the Central Sillo, permanent member of the Afghan Histoircal Society, & distingwauthor.
Colonel Abdul Tawab Khan Tarzi
Famed military mind, public servant, and diplomat, we urge members to contribute more information regarding Colonel Tarzi.
Professor Abdul Wahab Khan Tarzi
Abdul Wahab Kahn was an extraordinary Afghan civil servant. Educated at Oxford University, he reached the high rank of Acting-Minister of Foreign Affairs. He would later become a Professor at Istanbul University.
Abdul Kadir Khan Tarzi
Starting as a distingusihed Afghan civil servant, Abdul Kadir Khan Tarzi reached high posts before eventually working with the United Nations in Kabul and around the world.